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Unapologetically Trese
Jan 26, 20214 min read
My Love letter to Vanessa & the girls…
One of my most read blogs... I had to type how I was feeling about Kobe and Gigis death. #ripblackmamba Originally published 1/28/20

Unapologetically Trese
Dec 19, 20204 min read
Santa: Jesus’ Homeboy
Ah, It’s Christmas time and while the reason for the season is the birth of Jesus and I’m sure, like I have, you will sit down and tell...

Unapologetically Trese
Oct 18, 20201 min read
Sexy & Saved: Confidence vs. Arrogance
Speaking highly of yourself does not mean that you are arrogant and it often times has more to do with the security of person projecting tha

Unapologetically Trese
Oct 13, 20201 min read
Sexy & Saved - It All Starts With You
The Sexy & Saved series was birthed out of lack that I saw in conversations. We often talk about sexiness in the context of being single or

Unapologetically Trese
Oct 5, 20205 min read
That Unexpected Post-Post-Baby Body
Of course, I’ve tried to excuse this extra weight to the pandemic but if ever there was a time to be getting a workout in, it was during thi

Unapologetically Trese
Aug 23, 20205 min read
Why I Don't Post My Kids More
I recently did a poll in my IG stories about what people wanted to see more of from me. The resounding answer was “more stuff about the kids

Unapologetically Trese
Aug 3, 20205 min read
The Selfish Reason I Stopped Breastfeeding…
Breast on swole this was a week before Tori sucked my nipple off and my breast became engorged. If you’ve been following me and my...

Unapologetically Trese
Jun 27, 20202 min read
A Letter To My Daughters...
A letter to my daughters:
There can be duality in this fight because it is definitely not boys against girls as you've seen so often in scho
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Unapologetically Trese
Apr 30, 20201 min read
Do All Black Moms Think The Same
I was so intrigued by the topic and was deprived of social interaction and challenging conversation by this point in the quarantine

Unapologetically Trese
Apr 22, 20204 min read
To Conform Or Not, That is the Question
The saying that we all have the same 24 hrs is a whole lie from liars. Beyonce's 24 looks way different than mine. ALL FACTS.

Unapologetically Trese
Apr 13, 20203 min read
From Bald Headed to Beautiful Curls
Imagine a cute little caramel Fire Marshall Bill by the head, that was Amina!

Unapologetically Trese
Apr 2, 20204 min read
Not Afraid to Be the Villain
There are other times when my truth is just too much for people to handle so I instead avoid those conversations. Truth is a villain to thos

Unapologetically Trese
Mar 17, 20204 min read
Trese's Survival Guide: Quarantine 2020
I never thought I would see the day that America would essentially shut down, not in my lifetime anyway.
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Unapologetically Trese
Feb 19, 20201 min read
Unapologetically Living, Where our voice matters!
Welcome to Unapologetically Living with Trese, your one stop source for all the things!

Unapologetically Trese
Jan 16, 20205 min read
Am I raising a colorist?
My daughter is growing up, before my eyes. She is an honor student and active in clubs and is a great singer and performer, not to...

Unapologetically Trese
Sep 4, 20194 min read
Ten Things To Do While Pregnant UNAPOLOGETICALLY
You’ve found out you are pregnant, Congratulations… I hope. This news, in most cases, is the most shocking, scary and beautiful news you...

Unapologetically Trese
Aug 22, 20194 min read
School is starting and I’m NOT mad about it…
I was at Tori’s open house last night, fighting the Florida heat as well as trying to maneuver the 4000 people that were also attending....

Unapologetically Trese
Jul 10, 20195 min read
Body after Baby
It never fails, you always seem to find yourself pregnant at the same time as someone famous. So, you watch their pregnancy as you are...

Unapologetically Trese
May 22, 20194 min read
Grab them by the…
“Grab them by the pussy”! Isn’t that what the President of the United States said? So, if that’s what your Commander in Chief feels and...

Unapologetically Trese
May 18, 20196 min read
Black Women: Top 5 things we shouldn’t be “fake” caring about…
I woke up with angst in my heart. Probably because I went to bed listening to one of my favorite controversial people, DL Hughley. His...
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