Zee, Tori & AJ,
We are currently living in a world where you may feel angst worried about your father, cousins, grandfather's, uncles... All the men in your life; yet also wondering well... "What about Us?"
There can be duality in this fight because it is definitely not boys against girls as you've seen so often in school. Your life is important! Fighting for justice for black women and girls all over this country is important and I want you to know that.
Some may say "well when we say Black Lives Matter we mean ALL black lives" and I believe that to be true but as your mom, as a proud #girlmom, I promise you that I will always speak directly to the issues that impact YOU as a woman. The fears that you have walking around as a black woman in America.

All the micro-aggressions you will encounter about how proper you speak, the texture of your hair and the nuances in your skin tone. The fact that you are brilliant young ladies will be seen as a threat to your counterparts because you obviously shouldn't be THIS smart. When your body moves, no matter what you have on, it will be seen as vulgar simply because God created you with the curves of our ancestors.
So let me break it down for you:
The way you speak is the way I speak because that's just us. We can code switch with the best of them but it's who we are and you should never be ashamed of it.
Your hair is like mine, full of texture and shades. You can wear it straight, curly, locd up or in a fro because you are a beautiful black unicorn, a magical beauty that is admired by many.
Your skin tone is something that people pay thousands for each year in tanning booths across the nation. What you have is God given and you should be so proud of how beautiful it is and how beautiful you are.
Your body is yours. You dress with respect because that's how I've raised you. If you want to wear a cute sundress, leggings or something else that is synonymous with being "fast"; that is your right and you shouldn't feel like just because you can fill it in better than the average woman. You are not fast, that notion couldn't be further from the truth.
You admission into college will be because you girls have worked hard in the community, excelling in activities and soaring academically; not because of some quota that needs to be filled. Know that. Believe that.
Yes, people will hate you just because of the color of your skin and when you add gender to the equation, the deck appears stacked; however you are the decendants of Kings & Queens. Your lineage is powerful and great. Nature and nurture have made you who you are today.
You are mine. I guess your dads too🤷🏾, and we will protect you at all costs. Your experiences matter. Your fears matter. Your life matters.

I love you endlessly!
YOU are my love & light,
Mama, Unapologetically
I love this post Trese. I appreciate how you boldly and "unapologetically" (see what I did there lol) walk in your truth. Now you know you wrong for saying "You are mine. I guess your dads too" Keep speaking your truth Queen.